
A mostrar mensagens de 2016

One big step into a life together

  Life together with someone else can be challeging Even so the freedom you acomplish doing so is very fulfillin.. Having your own space is good but the part when you work yourself to death to have an assured future can be exausthing . Sharing your life with another person , the good, the bad all things we always wanted since we we're little . But no one tells you about the lonely times, when you're  alone and have no one to turn to , to me that is just another day but now is more than that it's terrifying the space that grows between you and the ones you love. And time goes by and haven't enjoyed it because you haven't got time for yourself or for your loved ones . Time flees away from you faster and faster...

How much I love you

Do you even know how much I love you... I love you so much that my heart hurts,  because it's too much to bare. So much so that every time I look at you I think you're the most beautiful person in the world. I feel as if you were a part a me,  the other half of my soul. I love the way you love me. The fact we belong together, I love the way you make me feel.

Every night

  Sometimes I think how stupid it is to miss someone you've spent all day with, but every night before I sleep, I miss you.   I miss the warmth of your body, your arms around me, your breath on my neck. All this and the things I love about you every single detail of your face, your lips, your eyes...   How is possible that even when my heart is wounded you can still make me tremble when your face comes near me.   God how I miss England and being alone with you, how I miss having you for myself, so now I admit with you I can be selfish, because I want all of you every day and all the time, its an addiction, an hunger that will never be satisfied...

Always my darling

Today, again tomorrow and every day This moment, my heart. He skips a beat did you know? Sometimes I cry in the middle of my sleep, It doens't mean I'm sad because people cry when they're happy too. You my darling made me hope. Sometimes I can't believe it myself, it feels like I'm still sleeping and I'm afraid to wake up so I close my eyes real thight and the tears keep flooding them. So thank you for loving me For protecting me and more importantly For being your lovely self.